Flying in all the way from Tamil Nadu in Southern India, Ambujam came to support her son Subha Ramiah who is currently participating in the culinary reality show ‘Masterchef’ USA, which is in its 10th season. In the first episode, Subha cooked a chicken & sausage Jambalaya with Raita, a fusion of New Orleans (Cajun) […]
READ MOREEnjoy this Jaffna Goat Curry Shepherd’s Pie recipe by Canadian Tamil chef Kitchen Guerrilla, to enjoy with your friends and family! This is made with the signature meat dish of Sri Lankan Tamils. This is a long recipe but we promise it is well worth it! Make sure to read through the entire recipe before […]
READ MOREOoty, named after a small town in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu is opening on the 14th February 2019 in Marylebone, London. The restaurant will focus on the ingredients and cuisine of southern India. The kitchen is headed up by Manmeet Singh Bali, formerly head chef at Michelin-starred London restaurants Rasoi and Vineet Bhatia […]
READ MOREWe are celebrating Thai Pongal, the annual Tamil harvest festival with a traditional pure vegetarian feast served on a banana leaf. Pongal feast 2019 is an initiative by Thamarai to showcase Tamil vegetarian & vegan cuisine in London. For this, we have teamed up with Sambal Kitchen & Diner in South Harrow and the brand […]
READ MOREIt was worth the wait. Tamil Nadu’s famous Murugan Idli Shop has opened their first branch in London. The vegetarian chain of restaurants founded by S.Manoharan, who studied food & catering technology in London, has twenty branches in Tamil Nadu and two in Singapore. On our visit to the London branch, we were delighted to […]