On “National Handloom Day”, celebrated on August 7th in India, Aishwarya Manivannan a Tamil Nadu based artist, designer & practitioner of Silambattam released a video celebrating her love for Silambam & Handloom. Dressed in a cotton saree, Aishwarya showcases Tamil Nadu’s traditional martial art form and the versatitlity of the saree. Silambam or Silambattam is […]
READ MOREThank you to everyone who attended the first-ever ‘Jaffna Food & Music Festival’ in London, presented by Thamarai.com & Ruby’s Catering. The event took place on Saturday 6th August at the Nakshatra Hall in Feltham, West London. The festival featured a variety of dance & music workshops, musical performances, traditional cuisine & street food. Here is a quick trailer with plenty […]
READ MOREThe Bicycle Revolution – Battle Of Jaffna by Kiran Kreer, a Malaysian documentary photographer It has been part of the Tamil culture in Jaffna for over a 100 years. It was used for urban logistics, commercial transportation, daily commute and a livelihood during the Battle Of Jaffna, in Sri Lanka. With the blockade of fuel […]
READ MOREFood is their life and a language they are at ease with. So what better way to tell their story than through food? So much more than just a cookbook, HANDMADE tells the stories of 34 women of Sri Lanka, in the time of war, before and after, through food. With beautifully transcribed stories and […]
READ MOREWe had a few minutes with the legendary music producer & composer AR Rahman who was in London to speak about his upcoming Intimate 4 city UK tour in September. In the interview he shares his advice to independent musicians. Click here for more information on the upcoming tour.
READ MOREAfter the roaring success of Palme d’Or-winning Dheepan, there appears to be an increasing interest in the cinematic telling of Tamil stories. Stories, however, that are not told by the mainstream South Indian film industry, but stories that are real and gripping. Stories told by the real, everyday Tamilians. Stories that are a true representation […]
READ MOREHamburg based composer and musician Charles Princeten is one of the most sort names in the independent Tamil music scene. His production can be heard in one of our favourites Drop by Mc Sai, right through to tracks by Vinno Russo, an artist on his own label, ForceOneMusic. His talent has not gone unnoticed in […]
READ MOREIn late June American Professional skateboarder Tony Hawk posted a picture of a young skater from India to his 6 million plus fans on social media! The internet went crazy to track her down and the credit goes to Buzzfeed! She is six-year-old Kamali Moorthy from the coastal town of Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu. The photographer, Jamie Thomas, is also a […]
READ MOREA while back I was shown an exclusive trailer about an up-and-coming young magician called Niresh Satkunarajah, best known perhaps under his nom de guerre “NIO BELIEVE”. First reaction: a Tamil magician? His parents must be really cool and chilled out people, because I know for a fact that if I or any of my […]
READ MOREPhotos by Helen Fickling & Charles Hopkinson For five days each year, London houses its own little Garden of Eden in the heart of the city. Every May, since 1912, gardeners from all across the world make their way to the Chelsea Flower Show, turning the capital in to a heavenly paradise with their beautiful, […]