The shortlists for the 21st Asian Achievers Awards have been revealed. Among them is Murugesvaran ‘Subby’ Subramaniam, a British Tamil, who was born in Kampar Ipoh Perak, Malaysia. He was raised in Malaysia until the age of 19. In April 2023, Subby was appointed as the Royal Air Force’s Warrant Office. “Throughout my career, I have had the […]
READ MORELondon based, British Tamil director Sanmugan Satheesan aka Saanmuu, is all set to launch his highly anticipated film, “The Jungle.” Set in London’s underworld, this independent film follows two rival gangs fighting for dominance. It’s gritty, it’s raw, and it’s unforgiving. The Jungle is a short film, the first installment in a series of episodes […]
READ MOREMorley’s, the iconic South London chicken institution founded in 1985 by Sri Lankan Tamil Kannalingam “Indran” Selvendran, has partnered with Heinz for an exciting month-long Pop-up at one of London’s most popular hotels, The Standard. The limited edition Morley’s x Heinz Fried Chicken Sauce is only available at the Pop-Up, which features an exclusive bougie […]
READ MOREA wholesome new Tamil cooking game titled Venba has launched on PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Series and PlayStation. Venba is a narrative cooking game, that centres around a Tamil mom named Venba, her husband Paavalan and their young son, Kavin, who immigrate to Canada in the 1980s. Her recipe book gets damaged when she moves […]
READ MOREAustralian Tamil writer Shankari Chandran wins the 2023 Miles Franklin award for Chai Time at Cinnamon Gardens, which draws on Sri Lanka’s civil war and the experiences of its refugee diaspora — specifically, the Tamil ethnic minority. The London born, Canberra raised author, human rights lawyer and mother of four, picked up Australia’s prestigious literary […]
READ MOREThis autumn, AR Rahman is performing live across Europe, marking his first-ever Europe tour. So far, the confirmed countries for the 2023 concert tour include Germany presented by & A.J.Entertainment, France by Shruthilayah and Switzerland by Thaalam Media. London is potentially on the cards for late September, but this has yet to be confirmed […]
READ MOREAfter his sold out concert in Durban, South Africa, Sid Sriram performed his first-ever solo UK concert on Friday 14th July 2023, selling out OVO Arena Wembley’s 10,000 capacity. The California based singer and his live band performed non-stop for over 3 hours. The set list for “All Love No Hate” included the South Indian […]
READ MOREVisiting Paris this Summer? Where do you go for the best Baguette in town? According to the latest headlines straight out of France, you have to visit Au Levain des Pyrénées boulangerie and baker Tharshan Selvarajah. Tharshan Selvarajah, a 37 year Tamil baker has won first place in the 30th annual “Grand Prix de la […]
READ MOREIn 2017, after meeting at a house party, Suruthi Bala & Hannah Maguire, who share an obsession for all things true crime recorded their first murder podcast inside a violin cupboard. By 2019, they were able to leave their jobs to focus full-time on the weekly podcast – the duo offer a dose of murder, […]
READ MOREAmerican Tamil Padma Lakshmi is one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2023. Sitting in the TITANS category amongst the likes of Lionel Messi, Beyoncé and Elon Musk, the 52 year old American author, activist, actress, model, philanthropist, and television host was born in Tamil nadu. Padma is the host of “Top Chef”, […]