Monday 29th April 2024
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TIME magazine’s list of 100 most influential politicians, artists, scientists, and thinkers includes names that have dominated the press in the recent year and people that, according to the TIME editor Nancy Gibbs, have the “power to make us think”. Among those listed this year are three Tamils – Google CEO Sundar Pichai, comedian Aziz […]

UPDATED 07/10/2016: Series 2 of Asian Provocateur with British Tamil comedian Romesh Ranaganthan & his mother Shanthi kicks off on Wednesday 12th October on BBC 3. Original article: 12th April 2016 Popular British Comedian Romesh Ranganthan prepares for his ultimate ‎Tamil‬ diaspora odyssey! Currently busy with his UK wide comedy tour, Romesh took time out of […]

I was a brat when I was young. I studied in Ananda College first and then continued at Manipay and Jaffna Hindu Colleges. In my early twenties, I wasn’t doing anything meaningful with my life; hence, my parents told me to leave the house. I had no choice but to join the RAF to make […]

American president Obama has called him ‘a trailblazer who personifies the best of America’. If he is nominated and sworn in as the Supreme Court Justice, Srinivasan, known as ‘Sri’, will break new ground as the country’s first Indian American justice. Within hours of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death on Saturday, Sri Srinivasan’s name […]

For an upcoming feature on Nat Geo, American photographer Ami Vitale visited Sri Lanka. Here are a few behind the scenes images from her recent assignment which focuses heavily on the Tamil north and east of the island. The centre image was captured at the Tamil Hindu festival of Masi Magan in Point Pedro, Jaffna […]