Wednesday 24th July 2024
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Canada and America

American Tamil, Shruthi Kumar was invited to deliver a speech “The Power of Not Knowing,” at her Harvard graduation ceremony after winning a college contest. Going off-script, she calls out the university for punishing 13 Pro-Palestinian undergraduates, by barring them from graduating for their involvement in campus protests. More than 1,000 students walked out of […]

London - UK

Fri 08th Mar 2024

Tamil institute for leadership & excellence, present MANGAI | மங்கை, an evening celebrating Tamil women from a diverse range of professions. The annual international women’s day networking event takes place on Friday 8th March in London, featuring inspirational UK based Eelam Tamil women. Anisha Kiri (Barrister) Pritt (Artist/ Musician) Mathu Selva (Technology Consultant) Julia Anton […]

Roy Ratnavel’s incredible journey begins when he was 17, taken by government soldiers to a prison camp for no reason other than guilty of being Tamil. He was tortured for two months, until he was able to get word out to a family friend-a colonel in the Sri Lankan army. ‘Uncle’ Fernando was able to […]

A wholesome new Tamil cooking game titled Venba has launched on PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Series and PlayStation. Venba is a narrative cooking game, that centres around a Tamil mom named Venba, her husband Paavalan and their young son, Kavin, who immigrate to Canada in the 1980s. Her recipe book gets damaged when she moves […]

London - UK

Sat 02nd Sep 2023

18:00 - 21:00

Prisoner #1056 by Roy Ratnavel HOW I SURVIVED WAR AND FOUND PEACE Book launch & signing An incredible immigrant story from a prominent Canadian Tamil who fled torture and imprisonment in Sri Lanka , arrived in Canada with $50 in his pocket, then rose from the mailroom to the executive suite of the country’s largest […]