Saturday 27th July 2024
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Tag Posts: tamil

Radheyan Simonpillai

If one were to do a word association game with the words “cinema” or “movies”, some of the responses might include “popcorn”, “date night”, “entertainment”, or “leisure”. Something along those lines. But what it most likely wouldn’t include, is something like “job”, “hard work”, or “career”. At least for the majority. But not for Radheyan […]

A big congratulations to Veeraj Lutchman. The Tamil Londoner has made it to the second stage of the BBC’s brand-new talent show “Let it Shine”, securing 16 stars out of 20 from the judges Gary Barlow, Danni Minogue, Martin Kemp and Amber Riley during the audition stage. 37-year-old singer, song-writer and musician Veeraj first came […]

Since the introduction of “Miss America” in 1921, the concept and institution of beauty pageants have polarised minds and set in motion discussions on beauty standards, objectification of women, and women’s rights. On one hand, critics have raised concerns about it being little more than an excuse to leer at scantily-clad women, for promoting a European […]

Congratulations to 20-year-old Anjelli Wignakumar from London who last night competed in the “Category Finals” of BBC Young Dancer 2017. Dancers aged 16-21 from across the UK were selected through two preliminary rounds to compete in four Category Finals: Ballet, Contemporary, South Asian Dance and Street Dance. Anjelli performed her Bharathanatyam dance routines accompanied by a […]

MURANEE is the beautiful real life story of a young British Tamil couple. The wedding film cum short film directed by Jenson Singaragah will leave you wondering why this was never made into a full length feature film! The 20 minute film has crossed the 1 million view mark on youtube within a few months, […]