Friday 26th July 2024
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Tag Posts: Tamils in the mainstream

Wilson Raj Perumal has been labelled the world’s most prolific match-fixer in football’s recent history. An Indian Tamil born in a village in rural Singapore in the mid-60’s, Wilson gradually climbed the heights of international match-fixing all the way to the World Cup, becoming FIFA’s most wanted man.

The young German Tamil from Berlin, Senthuran Varatharajah has been nominated for the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize, the highest award presented at the Festival of German-Language Literature.

Does this 12 year old Tamil girl from Europe have what it takes to stay in the competition?

Nivatha Balendra, an 18-year-old student at Montreal’s Marianopolis College, may have found the answer to cleaning up oil spills in bodies of water right in her own backyard.