Friday 26th July 2024
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Tag Posts: tamil canadian

Today Canada’s Tamil community mourn the passing of a hero. In 1986 Shipping boat Captain Augustus Dalton saved 155 Tamil refugees stranded at sea. After 13 days on a cargo ship, the refugees were abandoned in two lifeboats in the Atlantic Ocean. Without food or water they remained on the lifeboats for a further three […]

Toronto based marketing professional Dilani Rabindran recently announced the launch of Viewfinder Film Consulting. Her new venture offers comprehensive consulting services for South Asian filmmakers. Dilani will help filmmakers send their productions to international festivals aswell as access foreign markets and investors. Sitting on her advisory board are Award-winning and internationally lauded Indian filmmakers M. […]

It looks like Canada, in particular Toronto is leading the way in propagating the Tamil cultural identity with numerous ground breaking projects that have surfaced only in the last few years. The annual Tamil street festival known as “Tamil Fest” which takes place in the height of summer and now in its third year attracts […]