A few weeks ago the independent singer S.Nirujan announced on social media his collaboration with India’s iconic playback singer Shreya Ghoshal. Today he released the stunning music video to “Theeya”, his dream project which brings together Shreya Goshal and other talent from across Europe including CJ Germany & Sophia Akkara who star in the video. […]
READ MOREContemporary Indian dancers Shreya Deshpande & Niranjan Harish from the Bangalore based dance company Nritarutya are showcased in “Neeye”, a breathtaking production which celebrates dance and love, shining a spotlight on South India’s performing arts scene. The mesmerising choreography by Vishwakiran Nambi keeps you enthralled throughout the 6 minute routine. Director & Cinematographer Gomtesh Upadhye […]
READ MOREINDRA London, United Kingdom 1965 Our ship was like a floating luxury village. I shared a berth with the three other single Tamil women on the boat, who like me, were heading to the UK to study nursing. Before we awoke, a newsletter would be pushed under our door, which detailed the news and events […]
READ MOREAiyoh, is now officially in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED)! The September update to OED contains more than 500 new words, phrases, and senses. Interesting additions include splendiferous, YOLO, our favourite Aiyoh and some inappropriate ones! Popularly used amongst the Tamils and other South Indian & Sri Lankan communities, “Aiyoh” actually originates from China! The word is […]
READ MOREThe new series of the “The Apprentice” started yesterday on BBC 1 and it looks like we finally have our first Tamil contestant! Introducing 33-year-old, IT Consultant Karthik Nagesan from Northamptonshire, who moved to the UK from South India. Already standing out from the rest Karthik stated, “If I wanted to be like everyone else, I’d have waxed […]