Wednesday 24th July 2024
COPYRIGHT © 2024 Thamarai

South Africa, Mauritius & Reunion

We have teamed up with the talented Hair & Makeup artiste \’Vithya\’ from London to produce a series of \’How to\’ makeup tutorials for South Asian skin types.

A French national, and a 92-year-old archaeologist among the recipients

A Tamil South African represents her nation at the Miss World pageant, taking place this year in Ordos, Inner Mongolia.

This week marks the 150th anniversary, since the first Indian indentured labourers came to South Africa. Since then the community has flourished and today the story is told through the independent movie ‘White Gold’ which premiered in South Africa. caught up with the cast of ‘White Gold’ for this exclusive interview.

The festival goes Barking MAD with the acclaimed Still Life.