Ini Avan is a Tamil-language film made by Sinhalese director Asoka Handagama. The title itself is a clever play on words – as two separate words, it means "Him, Hereafter" and as one word, it translates to "sweet person".
The film has already been screened at a number of international film festivals including Toronto and Dubai. The story is of an ex-LTTE militant who returns to his home village. Here, he finds that many of the villagers have turned on him, because he had recruited a number of local boys as soldiers, and most of them never returned.
Ini Avan is not the first of director Asoka’s feature films; past projects have included "Moon Hunt" and "Flying With One Wing". The film is expected to be released in theatres in France in February 2013. We’ll be sure to keep you updated about when this film is out in other countries, too!