Friday 26th July 2024
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Tamil Film in London Festival

Barking MAD’s Short film ‘Still Life’ has been officially selected for the London Short Film Festival and will be screened at Curzon Cinema, Soho. This is the first time a Tamil Language film has been selected for the festival. 

Still Life 

On the eve of Saraswati Pooja, Krishna’s world is brought to a standstill. Forced to return to the family he has previously held at arm’s length, Krishna must now take a closer look at himself and face up to the questions he thought he already comfortably held the answers to. What do you discover when you hold up snapshots from the life you’ve unthinkingly claimed as your own for eighteen years? 

‘Still Life’ is an award-winning time-fractured drama that poignantly takes a look at one of London’s lesser-known Sri Lankan community, who are on the brink of imploding as a result of ever growing gang culture. 

More info on the film and the London Short Film Festival programme can be found at