Carnatic music lovers are in for a treat this weekend as South India’s Sushma Somashekaran & UK’s Hari Sivanesan will be performing live at Sangamam 2012 in London.
Known for her emotive nuances and beautiful range, Vani Fine Arts presents Sushma Somashekaran. This singer is also greatly admired for her excellent vocal and musical imagination and is guaranteed to leave you spellbound. Sushma will be accompanied on the violin by Jaladharan Sithamparanathan, on veena by Hari Sivanesan, on Mridangam by Pirashanna Thevarajah and on the moorsing by Thanujan Chandrakumar.
“We need stars of this calibre to keep carnatic culture and art alive” – Confluence Magazine
The second half sees the return of an emerging star of the veena – Hari Sivanesan. Hari is a BBC award winner and is making a name for himself on the international stage. A student of Bhavan’s veena teacher Sivasakti Sivanesan, will take the audience on a musical journey exploring the rich musical traditions between Chennai and Jaffna. Hari Sivanesan will also be accompanied on the harmonium, keyboard and drum pads by Fram Karbhari and on the guitar by Daren Aubeeluck.
Venue : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Date :Saturday, 27 October 2012
Time :06:00:00
Contact : 4a Castletown Road, West Kensington,London, W14 9HE
Telephone : 020 7381 3086, 020 7381 4608
Tickets : £10 stalls/ £6 balcony