Tuesday 22nd October 2024
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United we stand

Pakistan has been hit with one of the largest natural disasters to date. The flooding and devastation in the country is beyond words and people from around the world are reaching out to help. On the Urban Desi music scene, a group of up and coming artists have collaborated to create the charity single "United We Stand."

The single was put together by award winning conscious lyricist Sabotage and features some of the biggest names from the UK’s Asian Music Scene namely; Raxstar, Da Poe, Sam Khan, Rkz, Swami Baracus, Faze, Kaution and British Tamil artiste Arjun, each has a verse talking about the situation and their reactions. All proceeds from the single will go to the DEC Appeal (Distasters Emergency Committee), an umbrella organization for aid agencies like the British Red Cross and Oxfam.

Fans and donors have been purchasing the single as it peaked at #55 on  the UK iTunes charts in the space of 3 days and has hit over 50,000 views on YouTube in less than a week. To join all those who have already supported the single and the cause, purchase "United We Stand" on iTunes, Amazon and Nokia Music.