Wednesday 12th March 2025
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Music & Adverts!

Music & Adverts! We feature two recently released videos where singers have been given the spotlight to endorse products. Its a far cry from the Indian film music industry where these singers work is prominent & well recognised yet you will never see them in the music videos which reaches millions across the globe. Many Indian cinema goers will know a song but will find it difficult to name the singer or what they look like, especially in the diaspora. it’s time it all changed!

The first video features Shreya Ghoshal endorsing Joyalukkas & the second Chinna Ponnu promoting The Times of India. Joyalukkas is a jewellery company, who requested the adverts be shot in 5 languages – Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. Below we feature the Tamil one.

We save the best for last! Naaka Mukka now In English. Watch Madurai Chinna Ponnu singing in the English! Blame it on the fact that THE TIMES OF INDIA has just launched its Madurai Edition. The world’s largest English Daily now covers the whole of Tamil Nadu with editions in Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore & Trichy. Madurai Chinna Ponnu ( aka Little Girl from Madurai ) is the original voice of the superhit Tamil song Naaka Mukka (aka Tongue Nosa ). The same song that launched THE TIMES OF INDIA in Chennai. This rare and potent street singer from a small village in Madurai, is currently making waves on MTV and Manhattan, with her raw folk voice. While all her songs are rooted in the rural Tamil lingo and folk fundas, this is the first time ever, that she’s sung a song in English! Check out the video below!