Laugh it off is the new single from Canadian Tamil artiste Eindui aka Thulasi Nandakumaran. Sung in English, the video is set in a high school environment with a strong message to students to simply "laugh it off" when it just isn’t your day! Its clear that the artiste has a strong voice but you can’t help but get a Katy Perry meets Rebecca Black feeling after watching the video. Not such a bad feeling considering they reach millions of viewers! The music has been produced by Princeten from Germany, who has been working with several artistes from Canada including Roveena & Suveathan. Princeten has teamed up with Pras from Spectrum Pictures for another well produced video, which can be viewed below.
A message from the artiste posted on youtube…
“Thank you everyone for watching this! High school kids have it rough! It’s their time to grow and mature and in an not so mature environment. A series of unfortunate events can really ruin your day, week, term, etc. Just remember to keep your head up high and don’t let it get the best of you. Patience is key, and being true to yourself! This song is dedicated to all you young kids”.