The London Riots of 2011 are finally over and in a short period of time, lives have been wasted, fear instilled, confidence lost in the establishment and millions of pounds worth of property destroyed. We have yet to see the full impact the riots will have on London image as the hosts of the 2012 Olympics – will the world come to London next summer or will they be fearful?
There has been hope at the end of the tunnel with communities rallying together to help each other at their time of need. The public have mobilised to help with clear up operations in their local areas and some have gone as far as setting up online campaigns to raise funds for those who have been affected.
Donations have been made by members of the general public who have been horrified by their ordeal. £30,000 has been raised so far for Aaron, an 89-year –old Tottenham barber to get back into business after his shop which he ran for 40 years was looted. Ashraf Haziq, the Malaysian student who was beaten and had his backpack picked during Monday’s Hackney riots will be receiving £22,000 donation.
Inspired by the stories above – Keep Aaron Cutting and Let’s Do Something Nice For Ashraf, former & current residents of Clapton Square in Hackney have set up www.helpsiva.com. Local shopkeeper Siva Kandiah who ran the Clarence Convenience Store for 11 years had to watch as it was ransacked and destroyed, leaving him with no stock, no money in the till. Siva had buildings insurance, but not contents insurance, which means that he cannot replace his valuable stock. An online appeal has so far raised £13,000. To donate please visit www.helpsiva.com.