Tamil Artists of The Noble Sage
Online Exhibition runs: 11 – 18 th January 2022
January 2022 has been appointed by the Mayor and the London Assembly as Tamil Heritage Month. As such, The Noble Sage, London’s gallery specialising in Tamil modern and contemporary art, will be holding an exhibition online from the 11 – 18 th January focusing specifically on this niche.
London-born Tamil, Jana Manuelpillai, Director of The Noble Sage stated: “I was so excited to hear of the unanimous decision to make January Tamil Heritage Month in London. To mark the festival of Pongal and this Mayoral decision, The Noble Sage will spotlight ten talented Tamil artists in the collection in an exclusive exhibition.”
The exhibition will be a first-time Noble Sage introduction for artist, S.Murugiah, a Sri Lankan Tamil born in London. Murugiah creates work that is surreal, joyful and loud and that often contains within its detailed design South Asian motifs and messages.
To view the online exhibition, the public can visit: click here
Exhibition details
All artworks for sale
For an in-person viewing of any of the works, contact the gallery on
07901944997 or by email on reception@thenoblesage.com