Wednesday 24th July 2024
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Pottery Workshop for Single Tamil Professionals | 33 – 40 | Ready2mingle

Event Details

  • Address

    Harrow, West London

    View Map
  • Date

    Saturday 24th February 2024

  • Time

    12:00 - 15:00

  • Ticket Prices

    Advanced 40.00

Bringing together like-minded single Tamil professionals through a variety of events since 2008, ready2mingle are proud to present a brand new series of fun daytime activities for 2024.

Working closely with established creativities from London’s art scene, the first in the series of activities is a Pottery & Ceramic Workshop.

Age Range : 33 – 40

Community : Tamil

Capacity : 10 participants

Professional guidance will be given in the many aspects of pottery and ceramic making, including throwing on the potter’s wheel, sculpting and using basic mould  techniques. Work will be then decorated, by using a variety of colours, slips or glazes, before being fired in a kiln.

Dress casually, and don’t be shy to get stuck in. Your finished piece will be ready for collection 2-3 weeks after the event.

To register your interest now for this unmissable event, drop us a quick email to