Saturday 22nd February 2025
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In conversation with Vithya, of Vithya Hair & Makeup | Tamil Association of Professionals

Event Details

  • Address

    1 Primrose Street, London, England, EC2A 2EX, United Kingdom

    View Map
  • Date

    Wednesday 29th March 2017

  • Time

    19:00 - 21:00

  • Ticket Prices

    Minimum Donation 5.00

The London based organisation “TAP – Tamil Association of professionals” are hosting their next event on Wednesday 29th March 2017 with Vithya, of Vithya Hair & Makeup.

Vithya has firmly established herself as an entrepreneur, building up a strong brand within the industry and has become one of the most sought-after artists within the community and beyond. Vithya has also worked on fashion shoots, and has now begun a masterclass program sharing her knowledge and experience from London to Toronto and Chennai.

TAP will explore what life as an entrepreneur within the fashion industry is like and hear her top tips for those of you wishing to embark on a similar journey, including innovating and staying ahead of the curve with social media in order to establish her brand, as well as the negative aspects that inevitably come with these platforms.

Vithya will also be recounting some of her personal experiences, which she has used to raise awareness of taboo subjects within our community such as dealing with depression. We will hear about how she overcame her challenges and grew stronger from them and how she uses her story to empower those with similar experiences.

Please join TAP & Vithya for this evening of light-hearted discussion and networking on Wednesday, 29 March by registering via the button above. As a non-profit social enterprise, we gratefully accept donations towards running costs. This is likely to be a very popular event, so please do your reserve your spaces early to avoid disappointment. As ever, TAP will be providing the staple of our events: everyone’s favourite Tamil canapés, along with beer, wine and soft drinks to keep the conversation flowing into the evening.

*In order to ensure a prompt start, doors will close at 7:30pm.*