January is Tamil Heritage Month in London, as recognised and announced by the London Assembly – acknowledging the tremendous contributions that Tamils make to British society, particularly the vital role the Tamil community has played in helping the UK tackle covid-19. It is also an opportunity for Londoners to celebrate the richness of Tamil culture, specifically Thai Pongal, the Tamil Harvest Festival.
London boroughs have been invited to organise activities and events to mark Tamil Heritage Month.
Organisations in Harrow are putting together a series of activities, and are seeking help from Harrow’s Tamil community.
1) Headstone Manor & Museum – Tamil Story Collecting for 2023 Tamil Heritage Month in Harrow
The team at Headstone manor and museum are collecting as many stories from the Tamil community in Harrow. If you or your family live in Harrow, please take part.
The stories will be collated into a book that will be published online, and free print copies will be available at the museum and in all Harrow libraries for the 2023 Tamil Heritage Month Celebrations.
This initiative has been kindly funded by the London Museum Development Diversity Matters Fund.
Click here to share your story
2. Harrow Arts Centre – Art Exhibition
To mark Tamil Heritage Month 2023, Harrow Arts Centre will be hosting an exhibition that aims to creatively explore the rich heritage of the Tamil community. Tamil Heritage Month is celebrated in January to coincide with Thai Pongal, the Tamil Harvest Festival.
For this exhibition, HAC are calling on members of the Tamil community to submit artwork which creatively expresses their heritage and culture. We welcome all art forms including creative writing, poetry, textiles, illustration, painting, photography, and ornamental (small scale) sculpture. If you’re struggling for inspiration, start with the question ‘What does Tamil Heritage Month mean to you?’
Your work will be displayed at Harrow Arts Centre from Thursday 5th January 2023 until Wednesday 8th February 2023.
Submission deadline: The deadline for submitting is Monday 12th December 2022
Email: Blanche.Fitzgerald@harrow.gov.uk