Wednesday 12th March 2025
COPYRIGHT © 2025 Thamarai

Project One – Act #1

Do you strongly feel that every bit counts in making a positive change on a Global level? That every dr0p makes the ocean?
If you do, then don’t stop here but continue to read about an inspirational movement that was sparked off by a simple idea, a simple vision of uniting the World as one, one act a time. And all this, by 2 passionate 20 and 21 year olds who are not only the founders of Project One but are also internationally-renowned music artistes – the Rapper/Singer duo Lady Kash and Krissy.
Project One is made up of a series of various acts (Act #1, Act #2, etc..) and is a globally-mobilized wheel for positive transformations that our World needs to become environmentally-sustainable, socially-just, eco-conscious and Fulfilling! It also has a primary focus on empowering the youth of the world to take action!
Act #1
Act #1 is an initiative by Lady Kash and Krissy, brought forth by Project One, in collaboration with Four Years.Go and supported by the Pachamama Alliance. Embracing and believing that music is one universal and powerful existence that has the ability to bring people together regardless of their race, religion, beliefs, demography, etc., Project One has chosen a Charity Single "One" which will be accompanied by a powerful Music Video, to be launched as it’s Act #1.
Watch the video below, which is an introduction to Act #1, as well as a preview of the music video: 

Now, you may be wondering how something as simple as a song can make a huge impact to not only us but also our environment. Well, here’s how:
All you have to do is watch the Music Video "One" and if you feel a sense of connection to it, purchase the Charity Single for less than a dollar on iTunes! All the proceeds will then be distributed through the amazing Organization Four Years. Go. and the numerous organizations (alliances) with whom they are teamed. The respective organizations will then carry out improvement actions plans with the proceeds to help in:
1. Reforestation
2. Providing clean Water in necessary parts of the World
3. Education/Educational tools to Children living in rural areas
The Charity Single "One" and it’s empowering Music Video is all set to be released on the 1/11/11! So mark your calendars, it’s time to make a difference and create a huge positive ripple effect for our World! Not only will you get a beautiful song and enjoy an empowering Video into which lots of hard work and effort have gone, you will also be contributing making the above three aims a reality!
Join hands with Project One and let us all work together in making sure this Planet that we call our Home, will remain so…for generations to come!
We at wish Lady Kash and Krissy the very best with this wonderful endeavour to make a difference in this world. To keep up-to-date with Project One, "Like" the Facebook Page or follow Project One on Twitter.