Wednesday 12th March 2025
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Antics in true M.I.A style

M.I.A aka Maya Arulpragasam is once again hitting the news wires with her latest antics in true M.I.A style! Over the weekend she attended the Spike TV Scream Awards in Hollywood, wearing a niqab! We don’t know as of yet whether she was making a statement about women’s rights in some parts of the world or if it was to do with the silencing of freedom of expression, but one thing which stood out, was the clear advertising of her album /\/\ /\ Y /\, and the single "XXXO" printed on the niqab.

It was also recently reported that our very own Tamil rapper has had a bit of a fall out with her producer Diplo. She released a track titled "Bedroomtothehallwaytotheroadtotheworld?"  for her fans, who currently number over 350,000 on social networking site Facebook alone! Unfortunately she hasn’t paid Diplo for his work on the track, and he hit back on Twitter: "@_m_i_a please stop leaking the songs you didn’t pay me for." Click here to have a listen to the new track causing all the commotion.