Thursday 06th March 2025
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Priti Menon – Khabida (Music Video)

London-based Malayalee musician Priti Menon has just released a video for an original track entitled “Khabida“. The classical-based track has been produced by Charles Bosco, with Hindi lyrics penned by Raqueeb Alam.

Priti’s beautiful vocals are accompanied by some incredible instrumental performances by talented UK-based Carnatic musicians – Arani Sivapathasundaram on Veena, Madhusoodanan Satchithanandan on the flute. Pirashanna Thevarajahwho we interviewed last year – handles the Mirudangam, Ganjira and Morsing accompaniments for the song.

“It still feels like a dream,” says Priti. “A year ago, I couldn’t have imagined reaching this milestone. Within this one year, I have been featured in the newspapers over 10 times, been approached by some talented artists, recorded songs with established Bollywood and British singers and released my first single!”

Someone may feel that I got lucky,” she continues. “But they don’t know that before these amazing one year were 5 years filled with struggle. Perseverance is the key. I’ve known Charles for a year now and it’s been more than a pleasure working with him.”