Bart’s and the London Asian Society (BLAS) is all about promoting culture, creating friendships and supporting charity. This year’s committee is made up of medical and dental students, who work together to make one of London’s largest charity shows!
More than 1,000 people turned out to watch students from London universities showcase their talents last year, with the money from every ticket sale going to a good cause. And this year, we want to make the event even bigger and better with acts performing Bollywood numbers, street dance and a tribute to the American TV show Glee. Oh, and there’s also a bit of topless catwalk modelling. Enjoy the trailer below featuring photos by Thamarai.com from last year’s event.
Rewind to September 2011 when the new committee took over BLAS. We organised the PLUSH: “Gangsters and Molls” night for freshers, and since then we have put on PLUSH nights at a variety of popular London bars and clubs.
ELEGANCE is the highlight of the BLAS year, and the committee has been tirelessly sponsorship-hunting to ensure that this year’s show can be taken to a whole new level – not only performance-wise but also where venue is concerned. Sponsors include, RPS jewellers, Healthcare and Locum Recruitment, Tax-Link, Veenas, MPS, Snappy Snap and thanks to them we are reaching enough money to help secure the world-renowned SAVOY THEATRE on the Strand, with a date currently set for 4th March 2012.
With such an illustrious stage waiting, it’s no surprise that more than 300 people auditioned to be one of twenty acts. The competition was fierce. A prelaunch party was hosted at the exciting venue of Club Bond in Oxford Circus on 26th Jan 2012.
Thanks to the choreographers, the committee and especially the student body of Bart’s & The London and Queen Mary’s who have made ELEGANCE 2012 a reality. We must also thank all those who plan to attend the show. Without the audience, all this hard work would be wasted. With your help, we hope to raise over £30,000 for Great Ormond Street Hospital and Kotar Pur Village Aid Charity UK.
We hope to see you all at ELEGANCE 2012!
By Sanjay Trikha (BLAS External Affairs)
View photos from previous years courtesy of Thamarai.com (formerly known as SL2UK.com).
Elegance 2012 show photos : https://thamarai.com/events-details.php?event=149
Elegance 2010 show photos : https://thamarai.com/events-details.php?event=83
Elegance 2009 show photos : http://sl2uk.com/content/blas09.shtml
Elegance 2008 show photos : http://sl2uk.com/content/blas08frontstage.shtml
Elegance 2008 backstage : http://sl2uk.com/content/blas08backstage.shtml
Elegance 2007 show photos : http://sl2uk.com/content/blas07.shtml
Elegance 2006 show photos : http://sl2uk.com/content/blas.shtml
Photos by NW1 Photography for Thamarai.com