Thursday 25th July 2024
COPYRIGHT © 2024 Thamarai

Caucasian Tamil Hindu wedding

We share with you today two videos to celebrate the wedding season and the joys of the special day. The first video features a European Caucasian couple getting married in Chennai, India in a traditional Tamil Hindu wedding. We were interested to find out why the lovely couple “Thibu & Rachou” have chosen this traditional ceremony so we dropped Lokesh Moorthy the videographer a message…we are waiting on a reply. Fingers crossed we get a reply soon.

The second video is a plush Tamil wedding in Canada of Shaminy & Suba. The video has been filmed by Ramesh from Butterfly Squad who brings a cinematic approach to wedding videography. A common feature at many Tamil weddings is to screen a short 3 to 5 minute music video – with clips including how they met to coverage of the Hindu ceremony. The production is par to many Kollywood music videos. Enjoy.